How it works

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The process

  • Step 1 (Request for a professional): The first step in the business model of is about creating a demand. People have a smartphone app which lets them request for a service instantly or schedule it for some time later.
  • Step 2 (Matching): As soon as the request is made, a notification about your details is sent to the nearest professional. The professional has the option to accept or reject the service request. In case he / she rejects, notification is sent to another professional with that competence in that area.
  • Step 3 (Response Time): The professional will then request for an UBER or any other digital cab, motor bike or any other means of transport to get to the customer. The platform allows for the tracking of the professional via GPS and is able to provide an expected time of arrival.
  • Step 4 (Arrival and Evaluation): Once the professional arrives, the customer will discuss the service and agree on the charges factoring in estimated completion time and complexity. Straight forward services will have standard rates per area.
  • Step 5 (Payment & Rating): Once the service is delivered to the satisfaction of the customer, payment is made via the available options (Card, Mobile), the job is closed and the customer gets an option to rate the professional. Rating system is an important part of’s business model as it lets a person know about the professional before or requesting for a service and helps him trust the Professional


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